Sydney SYNERGY 2025
Please note: Agenda subject to change
9.30 - 10:00 am
10:00 - 10:45 am
10:45 - 11:10 am
Morning Tea
11:10 - 11:40 am
11:30 - 12:05 pm
12:05 - 1:05 pm
01:05 - 1:50 pm
Session 5 | Corporates
Preparing for the Future of Tax and Regulatory Changes
01:50 - 02:30 pm
Session 6 | Legal
How Far Along is the LegalTech Evolution?
Session 6 | Corporates
Embedded, Connected and Intelligent Indirect Tax Transformation
2:30 - 3:30 pm
Networking and Refreshments
9.30 - 10:00am
Market Trends Shaping the Legal, Tax Compliance and Finance Professions
Thomson Reuters leaders will share the key trends observed in both local and global markets that impact businesses and firms. From the explosion in data volumes and transformational AI to increasing regulations, stay informed with the latest in-house data illustrating the current and future state of legal, tax compliance, and finance.
10:00am - 10:45am
Impact of Geopolitics and Regulations on Leading Industries
Business leaders are confronting the challenges of evolving regulations and geopolitical complexities. Join John Mair, Southeast Asia Breaking News Editor, Reuters, as he interviews top executives at public and private organisations in consumer, energy, legal and the financial services sectors. The panel aims to explore how companies are seizing opportunities in a new era.
11:10 - 11:40 AM
Augmenting Your Tech Ecosystem with Thomson Reuters
In 2024, Thomson Reuters invested over $200 million in AI, doubling their 2023 investment. The company also acquired Materia and SafeSend to enhance automation for tax and accounting professionals. In this keynote, leaders will discuss new and ongoing investments in the Asia & Emerging Markets business at Thomson Reuters and how they will benefit legal, tax compliance, and finance customers in 2025 and beyond. Learn how to augment your tech ecosystem with a trusted technology partner.
11:30 - 12:05 PM
Setting the Tone of Digital Transformation from the Top
Anecdotally, executives are becoming increasingly active in championing digital transformation. By setting the tone from the top, a growing number of leaders are advocating for a more accelerated transition into a digital-first future to ensure their businesses thrive. This panel will explore the strategies and visions of these executives as they push for a greater pace of change.
01:05 - 1:50 PM
Drivers of Collaboration Between Law Firms, In-house Legal & Tech Partners
The priorities of law firms and legal counsel are aligning with the evolving legal technology market. Stakeholders are working closely together to achieve positive legal and business outcomes. Hear from legal leaders who are deploying complex collaboration strategies through trusted partnerships and knowledge sharing.
01:05 - 1:50 PM
Preparing for the Future of Tax and Regulatory Changes
Many corporate taxpayers in Australia are actively collaborating with the ATO on initiatives aimed at enhancing tax transparency and compliance. Despite these efforts, the rates of collectable debt are on the rise, and the crackdown on the 'shadow economy' persists. In this panel, experts will discuss how companies are gearing up to meet evolving domestic and international tax obligations through increased communication, a digital-first approach, and the adoption of real-time reporting to ensure timely and accurate data sharing. This includes Australia's response to the OECD’s Base Erosion Profit Shifting (BEPS) program, aligning with global standards.
01:50 - 02:30 PM
How Far Along is the LegalTech Evolution?
The typical tech stack within firms and legal departments is far more complex and sophisticated than ever. Firms and legal teams are helping to shape the future of LegalTech and manipulating tech to service a vast array of use cases. What problems are yet to be solved for the legal profession that tech hasn't the answer for, yet? Hear from experts who are actively innovating to enable their legal team to advance their clients' strategic business objectives and are actively engaged in LegalTech implementation.
01:50 - 02:30 PM
Embedded, Connected and Intelligent Indirect Tax Transformation
Imagine your company's indirect tax technology being integrated, connected, and intelligent. Leaders in indirect tax are configuring their tech stacks to enhance compliance workflows and unlock bottlenecks. With automated solutions, companies are meeting the requirements of e-invoicing globally and reporting in real-time. Learn how executives are expediting every step of the indirect tax compliance process.