Westlaw Practice Areas
Court Practice and Procedure
From civil procedure and court practice to comprehensive legislation, Westlaw has everything you need in Court Practice and Procedure.
We’ve got you covered:
key titles in Court Practice and Procedure

Quick on Costs
Quick on Costs examines the law of costs, contemporary issues impacting on traditional costs law and a comparative evolution of costs law in Australia and England. It reviews the principles and practices of costs law applied in the Supreme Courts of the States and Territories, the Federal, Family and High Courts of Australia and the English High Court.
NSW Civil Procedure
NSW Civil Procedure is the definitive guide to civil practice in New South Wales, including comprehensive annotated legislation relevant to lower and superior courts and coverage of relevant Rules, Practice Notes and costs issues. Organised according to its annotated legislation and subject matter of commentary, with coverage on the Civil Procedure Act 2005 (NSW), Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 2005 (NSW), Supreme Court Act 1970 (NSW) and District Court Act 1973 (NSW).

Federal Court Practice
Federal Court Practice is an authoritative guide to the practice and procedure of the Federal Court of Australia. Including the annotated Federal Court Act and Regulations, the Federal Court Rules, Practice Notes, the Federal Court (Corporations) Rules, Bankruptcy Rules and Forms, Federal Court Practice provides comprehensive coverage of all the most relevant judicial decisions.
But that’s not all
From Injunctions Law and Practice and High Court Practice to all things dispute resolution, discover how Westlaw can help you be the practice area expert your clients need you to be.
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