Westlaw Practice Areas
From corporation precedents and legislation to all things ASIC, Westlaw has everything you need in corporations law.
We’ve got you covered:
key titles in Corporations

Robson's Annotated Corporations Legislation
Robson's Annotated Corporations Legislation contains the up-to-date Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) text along with detailed commentary. Legal experts dissect the law’s intricate language and judicial interpretations, providing essential insights into the complex Australian corporations legislation.
Not-for-Profit Best Practice Manual
The Not-For-Profit Best Practice Manual is a comprehensive guide for board and committee members of Australian Incorporated Associations and Companies Limited by Guarantee, as well as their legal and financial advisors. It covers all areas of establishing and managing an NFP organisation, including formation, tax, governance, fundraising, privacy, intellectual property, litigation, dispute resolution, and dissolution.

Australian Governance Professionals Handbook
Presented in clear, non-legalistic language to help corporate governance professionals handle all administrative and compliance practices required under the Corporations Act, this valuable handbook ensures you have the tools and resources to meet all of your organisation's corporate governance obligations.
But that’s not all
From ASIC Corporate Investigations and Hearings to Company and Securities Law and comprehensive legislation, discover how Westlaw can help you be the practice area expert your clients need you to be.
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