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Authorised Law Reports
Westlaw holds the largest legal database of authorised law reports, covering the High Court, the Federal Court, Fair Work Commission and state superior courts.
The most comprehensive Australian case law database
As the definitive version of key decisions, authorised law reports are an essential part of any practitioner’s collection.
Commonwealth Law Reports
Since 1903, the authoritative Commonwealth Law Reports have been the official record of High Court judgments, with each decision and headnote verified by the High Court judges. These reports feature detailed headnotes by expert reporters — approved by the High Court — summarising key case issues and counsel arguments.
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Authoritative headnotes
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Our authorised law reports cover all Australian jurisdictions
As the authorised reports of the High Court, the prestigious Commonwealth Law Reports have published full text High Court decisions since 1903. Being the authorised reports, every judgment and headnote is checked by the judges of the High Court before inclusion in the Commonwealth Law Reports. Each reported judgment includes a comprehensive headnote, written by an expert reporter, and approved by the High Court.
The Federal Court Reports are a must-have for the practice and research of federal law in Australia. As the authorised reports of the Federal Court, the Federal Court Reports publish full text decisions on important and diverse areas of law such as: taxation, corporations law, intellectual property, environmental protection, telecommunications, equity, immigration and freedom of information.
The New South Wales Law Reports (NSWLR) online are the authorised reports of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, published by Thomson Reuters on behalf of the New South Wales Council of Law Reporting. Each full-text judgment reported in NSWLR includes catchwords and a headnote approved by the Court. NSWLR makes it quicker and easier to research case law and understand developments in the jurisdiction.
The Victorian Reports online are the authorised law reports of the Supreme Court of Victoria. Each full-text judgment reported in the Victorian Reports includes authored catchwords, a headnote approved by the Court, and a related PDF that is a facsimile of the authorised print version of the reports. The Victorian Reports , edited by former Commonwealth Law Report headnoter Peter Willis SC, are published online by Thomson Reuters under licence from the Council of Law Reporting in Victoria and the publisher, Little William Bourke.
Thomson Reuters licences the non-exclusive electronic publishing rights to the Queensland Reports and related backsets. The Queensland Reports contains the authorised reports of the key decisions of the Supreme Court of Queensland from 1974 onwards. This frontset contains a selection of the key decisions of the Supreme Court, as corrected and approved by the deciding Judges.
The only authorised law reports of the Australian Capital Territory The Australian Capital Territory Law Reports include decisions of the ACT Court of Appeal and of Judges and Masters in the ACT Supreme Court. Carefully selected judgments are accompanied by catchwords and authored headnotes that summarise the decision. With an ever-increasing volume of judgments being handed down, these reports enable practitioners and researchers to know which decisions are important and to quickly understand the relevance of decisions.
As the only authorised law report series of the Supreme Court of Western Australia, the Western Australian Reports provide subscribers with the full text of judgments and with headnotes that have been checked by the presiding Justices. Each part contains a table of cases reported as well as a detailed index of cases reported, to help you easily locate relevant information.
The South Australian State Reports are the authorised reports of the South Australian Supreme Court. The series includes important decisions both at first instance and on appeal. Comprehensive headnotes and detailed catchwords accompany the full text of the judgments to speed you through your research. Every judgment and headnote is checked by the judges of the South Australian Supreme Court before inclusion in the reports.
This series represents the authorised reports of the Northern Territory Supreme Court published on behalf of Northern Territory Council of Law Reporting. Each reported judgment includes a comprehensive headnote, written by an expert reporter, and approved by the Court. The Northern Territory Law Journal features topical articles on legal developments and issues of interest to practitioners and researchers both within the Northern Territory and in other Australian jurisdictions.
This series represents the authorised reports and decisions of the Supreme Court of Tasmania published on behalf of the Council of Law Reporting of Tasmania. The series includes important decisions both at first instance and on appeal. Comprehensive headnotes and detailed catchwords accompany the full text of the judgments to speed you through your research.
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