Connect 4
Save time researching and analysing with Connect 4
Track and analyse the activities of ASX listed companies such as takeovers and mergers, capital raisings, auditing and accounting practices, corporate governance, buybacks, expert reports, company directors & executives, remuneration and compliance.

Track and analyse takeovers and mergers, capital raisings, corporate governance and compliance

Standard documents and clauses
An ideal tool for staying up to date with the activities of ASX listed companies, Company Announcements provides full text searching, all of the benefits of alerting and an extensive archive dating back to September 1998.
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Save time with an easily searchable database
Track competitor activity, monitor fees charged, gain an understanding of industry standards and more with a easily searchable database contains an archive dating back to 1992.
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Unlocking the Secrets of ASX Takeovers: A Comprehensive Archive of In-Depth Summaries
Access an in-depth summary of every takeover of an ASX listed company in Australia from 1997 onward. The depth of its archive is only matched by the comprehensive nature of its summaries.
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The value of Connect 4

Spend more time providing real solutions to your clients
The Connect 4 platform categorises and extracts key information from the ASX, then presents it in a format you can understand, enabling you to spend more time providing real solutions to your clients and making fully informed business decisions.
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