Checkpoint Australia
Accessible, expert and timely information at your fingertips
Checkpoint provides accountants and tax professionals with accurate and trustworthy answers using tax research tools designed to help you make confident decisions quickly.

Trusted research, news and workflow solutions, all in one place
Get a complete picture to make confident decisions
Use one online solution for in-depth analysis and guidance across a broad range of trusted resources with links to related legislation, rulings and cases.
Reduce your research time with automated alerts to notify changes and create direct links to important or frequently used resources. Whether it’s analysis or news, start from any entry point and click through to deeper levels of coverage.
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Stay on top of the latest developments in tax
Not all tax news services are the same. The experienced team of tax writers at Thomson Reuters provide greater insights through commentary and analysis in Weekly Tax Bulletin and other tax newsletters.
Whether you require a broad-based newsletter or more in-depth coverage of a specialised area, our Australian Tax News services have you covered.
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Complex work is easy with the right tools
Equip your firm to be more efficient completing complex compliance work using best practice calculators, work papers, checklists and templates to reduce compliance costs and provide consistency.
Our purpose-built range of specialist toolkits incorporate complex rules to simplify financial calculations and automate report generation.
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A global tax research service
Checkpoint World is a premier online research service for global corporate tax professionals working with multinational corporations. Offering a truly global view, providing much more than just coverage of individual countries or regions, you’ll find international tax planning and a research solution with integrated resources for multinational corporate tax departments and their providers.
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Your practice needs a knowledge solution like Checkpoint

Tax research tools to find trusted answers fast
You can rely on Checkpoint’s tax research tools to deliver expert commentary explaining the practical implications of Australia’s laws and standards in relation to tax, accounting, superannuation and more.
Suitable for both the new user and power users, Checkpoint’s intuitive environment lets you focus immediately on your work, rather than on learning a new system.
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Benefit from a broad range of resources for tax and accounting professionals
Be consistent in your approach
Ensure that your business has consistent research practices, so you don’t spend all your time verifying other people’s work.
Get insights on the latest tax reforms
Stay on top of the latest tax reforms through our news services, or regular updates through our range of tax and tax-related Handbooks.
Make better decisions
Get a complete picture with in-depth analysis and guidance across a broad range of trusted resources linked to related legislation, rulings and cases.