Australian Law Journal and Reports: Parts & Bound Volumes

Australian Law Journal and Reports: Parts & Bound Volumes

By Francois Kunc


Price: N/A

Date: 07/09/2012

Code: 30144216

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA

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Australian Law Journal and Reports: Parts & Bound Volumes

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Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Journal Australian Law Journal and Reports: Parts 07/09/2012 30136449 N/A
Journal Australian Law Journal and Reports: Bound Volumes 19/12/2011 30121694 N/A
Journal Australian Law Journal and Reports: Parts & Bound Volumes 07/09/2012 30144216 N/A
eSub - ProView Australian Law Journal - eJournal 28/02/2016 41928520 N/A


First published in 1927, The Australian Law Journal (ALJ) continues from strength to strength as one of Australia’s most respected and widely cited legal journals, and is a must have for all legal professionals. 

The ALJ marked its 90th anniversary in 2017 with a celebration at the Banco Court (Supreme Court of NSW).

As the pre-eminent journal of record in Australian law, the ALJ provides a forum for discussion of key topics and significant developments across legal practice in Australia and beyond, and offers analysis and thought leadership from the leading legal minds in the country.

Practitioners, academics, and anyone interested in the law can stay in touch and up to date through The Australian Law Journal. Each monthly Part contains at least two or three substantial articles written by leading legal practitioners and academics and prominent members of the judiciary, and a number of regular sections, including Current Issues, Recent Cases, Personalia and Book Reviews, as well as specialist sections edited by distinguished lawyers and judges, including:

  • Justice Melissa Perry (Administrative Law)
  • Dr Damien Cremean (Admiralty & Maritime)
  • Justice Michael B Lee (Class Actions)
  • John Kettle (Competition & Consumer Law)
  • Professor Anne Twomey (Constitutional Law)
  • Professor Brendan Edgeworth & Robert Angyal SC (Conveyancing & Property)
  • Dr Beth Nosworthy (Corporations & Securities)
  • Justice Phillip Priest (Crime & Evidence)
  • Justice Rachel Pepper (Environmental Law)
  • Justice Mark Leeming (Equity and Trusts)
  • Dr Richard Ingleby (Family Law)
  • Professor David Barker AM (From the Law Schools)
  • Professor Simon Rice OAM (Human Rights)
  • Professor Stuart Kaye (International Focus)
  • Justice John Basten (Statutory Interpretation)
  • Anna Collyer (Technology and the Law)
  • Associate Professor Lyria Bennett Moses (Technology and the Law)
  • Michael Pelly (The Legal Observer)
  • Justice John Burns (Australian Capital Territory)
  • Acting Justice Dean Mildren AM RFD QC (Northern Territory)
  • John McKenna QC (Queensland)
  • Justice Kevin Nicholson (South Australia)
  • Justice Stephen Estcourt AM (Tasmania)
  • Justice Clyde Croft (Victoria)
  • Justice Kenneth Martin (Western Australia)
  • Justice Matthew Palmer (New Zealand).

In the paper version of the journal, The Australian Law Journal (ALJ) and The Australian Law Journal Reports (ALJR) are published together in each monthly Part. The Reports include the most important decisions of the High Court of Australia and are one of the most advanced printed sources of cases determined by the High Court.

An annual index is included with a “Parts” or “Parts and Bound Volume” subscription and a consolidated index is available separately for Volumes 1-50, Volumes 51-76 and Volumes 77-Current Volume. The consolidated index includes every article published, tables and subject indices for both The Australian Law Journal and The Australian Law Journal Reports.

Online, The Australian Law Journal and The Australian Law Journal Reports are available only as separate subscriptions. The online version of The Australian Law Journal includes access to the complete archive dating back to Volume 1, 1927.

The Australian Law Journal is also available as an eJournal on Thomson Reuters ProView®. With the ProView eReader platform, you get the benefit of book-like readability combined with a customised user experience, so you  can add notes, highlight sections, add bookmarks and download copies of articles, whether you're in the office, in court, or out and about.

Click here to view a complimentary issue of Volume 90 Part 6 of The Australian Law Journal on our Thomson Reuters ProView eReader®. 

To access articles and information on all of our journals, to submit an article or to join our community, visit Journals Talk at

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Price is for an annual subscription and includes approx 12 Parts and 1 Bound Volume per year. Does not include Consolidated Indexes or Backset which are available separately at an additional price.

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